Saturday, 5 January 2013

Magic Moments - An Honorary Brownie

This picture shows some of the West Horndon Brownies and Guides in  August 1959. I know this as Brown Owl (Mrs Went) shown here on the far left kindly wrote on the back of the original photograph. I wish more of my old photos were marked like this, it would make identification so much easier. Among the Brownies was my sister Linda (aged 11) back Row 2nd from the right.

The memory that this always brings to mind relates to the previous year (1958). The Brownies and Guides went away to camp each summer, but it wasn't under canvas. In 1958 they stayed at a boarding school in Banstead, Surrey during the school holidays. On this occasion not only was my sister going, but also my mother (Eileen Fuller) as a helper. For me there were two alternatives, one - to stay at home and endure the perils of my Dad's cooking, or two - become an honorary Brownie for the week and go off to Banstead with them. A pretty easy decision for me really, as a thirteen year old lad the thought of going away with all those girls was the obvious choice.

At the school all the Brownies and Guides had chores to do each day, and my designated chore was putting coke on the boiler, presumably for hot water as this was the end of July and the weather was warm.

However, as easy as that task seemed I didn't always do it, and my memories of that week are of playing tennis and spending quite a bit of time listening to the England v New Zealand Test Match on the radio.

In the main hall of the school was a stage, and being a nosey so-and-so (I still am) I had to investigate a cupboard in the side of the stage. I found a wind-up gramophone and one 78 rpm record. Fortunately it was a double A-side. Perry Como singing Catch a Falling Star and Magic Moments, which we played incessantly for a week. Whenever I hear either of those songs now I still think of that holiday with the Brownies at Banstead. Magic Moments indeed!

If you would like to hear Magic Moments here is the YouTube link

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